Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8291/10238
- Adopt a carbon tax to protect tropical forests. A levy on fossil fuels can support and restore ecosystems that help to stem climate change
- Nouvel Atlas du royaume de France, ou Cartes détaillées des Gaules, de la France à l'époque de 1789, des quatre-vingt-six départements et des colonies françaises, suivies d'une belle carte de la France actuelle
- Voyage à travers les climats de la terre
- Physics of the air
- Meteorology in California civil defense.
- Background error statistics for aerosols
- C05003 - On tracer boundary conditions for geophysical reservoirs: How to find the boundary concentration from a mixed condition (DOI 10.1029/2005JC003215)
- Absorption and backscattering in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
- Biological and physical signs of climate change : focus on mosquito-borne diseases
- Stratospheric Temperature Trends Derived from Sparc Datasets
- Development of the italian DCP network
- Fine structure of whistlers recorded digitally at Halley, Antarctica
- Atmospheric response to ice age conditions : climatology near the earth's surface
- The influence of sea-surface temperature on surface wind in the eastern equatorial Pacific : seasonal and interannual variability
- Deaths in britain from the weather in 1989
- METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH REVIEWS : summaries of progress from 1951 to 1955
- Allgemeine Meereskunde : eine Einführung in die Ozeanographie.
- Viertausend Kilometer im Ballon.