Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8385/10226
- L'État et l'adolescence du transport aérien pendant l'entre-deux-guerres.
- Stereoscopic analysis of photographs taken by NIMBUS II APT System (II)
- Missions scientifiques pour la mesure d'un arc méridien au Spitzberg entreprises en 1899-1902 sous les auspices des gouvernements suédois et russe : mission suédoise : tome II, physique terrestre, météorologie, histoire naturelle. VIIIe section, météorologie. C. Aurores boréales
- Per la storia della meteorologia in Italia : primi Appunti. I, La meteorologia nella Dinivina Commedia. - Saggio di note al Dante ; II, Bolletino bibliografico astro-meteorologico per il 1897
- [Les photos du mois] Arabesques nuageuses - juin 2000
- D20309 - Efficient calculation of intensity and polarization spectra in vertically inhomogeneous scattering and absorbing atmospheres (DOI 10.1029/2008JD010379)
- Planetary Wave Breaking and Nonlinear Reflection: Seasonal Cycle and Interannual Variability
- Discrepancies between Different Northern Hemisphere Summer Atmospheric Data Products
- Analysis of Parallel versus Sequential Splittings for Time-Stepping Physical Parameterizations.
- Analisis de la serie de temperatura del observatorio del Ebro [1894-2002]
- Sea ice extent mapping using the ERS-1 radar altimeter
- Determination of the spectral absorption of solar radiation by marine stratocumulus clouds from airborne measurements within clouds
- Precipitation scavenging of radioactive substances released from the chernobyl power plant
- Subgrid-scale fluxes and flux divergences in a neutrally stratified, horizontally inhomogeneous surface-layer
- Diagnosis of systematic forecast errors dependent on flow pattern
- Modelling of the time evolution of low tropospheric clouds capped by a stable layer.
- France : catalogue et guide officiel de la participation française.
- Hydrologie pyrénéenne. Traits d'ensemble. Facteurs géophysiques. Climat. La circulation atmosphérique sur les Pyrénées françaises. Atlas.