Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8438/10231
- Exposé d'une méthode de calcul de surface de phénomènes nuageux vus par satellites
- Organisation actuelle du service météorologique en Europe : conférence faite par la réunion des officiers d'Alger, le 2 mars 1881 / par H. Brocard
- La reconstruction d'une île : Des enjeux pour Saint-Martin après le passage de l'ouragan Irma
- Spatial-temporal rainfall storm characteristics - Part II: General storm characteristics
- Annuaire de la Société météorologique de France [1921]
- Infrasound amplification during atmospheric condensation
- Mesoscale simultions of cloud microphysics within a winter storm : some implications for large-scale ice phase schemes
- Hierarchical structures of vertical velocity variations and precipitating clouds near the Baiu frontal cyclone center observed by the MU and meteorological radars
- The interannual variability of temperature in the polar stratosphere during the winter : the influence of the QBO phase and an 11-yr solar cycle.
- Proceedings of the international scientific conference on tropical ocean global atmosphere [TOGA] programme. [2-7 april 1995, Melbourne, Australia]. Volume 2.
- FAA weather processor programs real-time dissemination of weather information to aviation end-users
- Modelling sensible heat fluxes from a wheat canopy : an evaluation of the resistance energy balance model
- The composite shape and structure of coherent eddies in the convective boundary layer
- The ECMWF analysis-forecast system during AMEX
- Numerical experiment on the effects of the large scale topography and diabatic heating on the formation of east asian monsoon and indian mousoon circulation
- El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Madden-Julian [30-60 day] oscillations during 1981-1982
- Radar study of thunderstorms around Dehli during monsoon season
- The Kluwer Latex Style File
- Diurnal temperature range in the Arctic and its relations to hemispheric and Arctic circulation patterns