Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8600/10227
- Africa : a social, economic and political geography of its major regions
- La fusion de la neige et les crues de juin 1957 dans les Alpes Françaises Orientales
- Advanced Rain/No-Rain Classification Methods for Microwave Radiometer Observations over Land
- Navier, un honnête homme de la mécanique, et les équations de Navier-Stokes
- The importance of cloud drop representation on cloud photochemistry
- Subscale forcing in a global atmospheric circulation model and stochastic parametrization
- Relating plume spread to meteorology in urban areas
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - The Influence of the Vertical Coordinate on Simulations of a PV Streamer Crossing the Alps
- Northern hemisphere temperature variability for the past three centuries : tree-ring and model estimates
- Ratio statistics for randomized experiments in precipitation stimulation
- Climate sensitivity of the NCAR community climate model [CCM2] to horizontal resolution
- Surface layer response to weak wind, westerly bursts, and rain squalls in the western Pacific Warm Pool
- Effects of convection on mass and momentum fields as seen from cloudscale simulations of precipitating systems
- The capture of tropical cycloned by cold fronts off the west coast of Australia
- Diurnal and seasonal variations of stratomesospheric ozone : analysis of ground-based microwave measurements in Bordeaux, France.
- Manuel de conservation du sol
- Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée. Deuxième Supplément. Tome septième, POD-ZYM
- Numerical prediction and dynamic meteorology .