Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8608/10238
- Emerging trends in global freshwater availability
- generalized matrix functions
- L'effet de serre atmosphérique : plus subtil qu'on ne le croit !
- Les observations météorologiques de la Tour Eiffel
- Evaluation of use of EcoCELL technology for quantifying total gaseous mercury fluxes over background substrates
- A combined mitigation/geoengineering approach to climate stabilization.
- C04006 - Boundary flow on a lake slope during Ekman layer arrest (DOI 10.1029/2004JC002827)
- Climate and Dynamics (ACL) - ACL 4. Dependence of diffuse photosynthetically active solar irradiance on total optical depth (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002175)
- High-Resolution Simulation of Surface and Turbulent Fluxes during HAPEX-MOBILHY
- Long-term forecast of five-day air temperature variations during the natural synoptic seasons
- The effect of rain on air-water gas exchange
- Gelaendeklimatische Untersuchungen auf Teneriffa [insbesondere in den Canadas]
- Moddeling of convective downdrafts
- Gli ultimitre milioni di anni : come e cambiato il nostro ambiente
- Snow hydrology of a headwater arctic basin. 2. Conceptual analysis and computer modeling
- Impact of El Niño-southern oscillation on Indian foodgrain production
- Weatherwatch - July, August 2002
- Land use and the causes of global warming
- La pluviométrie indice de sécheresse : tendances pluriannuelles [Tunisie]