Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8689/10227
- Etudes critiques et prospectives sur la basse atmosphère. II. La Prévision à L'échelle Locale
- Le guide avalanche de Météo-France 1997-1998
- Pen portrait - W.E. Knowles Middleton
- Simulation of maximum surface air temperature over India using the UK Met Office Global Seasonal (GloSea) Model
- General characteristics of stratospheric singular vectors
- Composition and Chemistry - D11308 - Chemistry of OH and HO2 radicals observed at Rishiri Island, Japan, in September 2003: Missing daytime sink of HO2 and positive nighttime correlations with monoterpenes (DOI 10. 1029/2006JD007987)
- China struggles to square growth and emissions.
- Conservation issues.
- Wind influence on a coastal buoyant outflow C03014 (10.1029/2003JC002261)
- Effect of nonlinear drag on the settling velocity of particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
- Intense mixing of antarctic bottom water in the equatorial Atlantic ocean
- Diffuse solar radiation-daily and monthly values as affected by snow cover
- Characteristics of infrared sky radiation in the United States
- Mesoscale suppression of a convective rainband by a surface layer dry airmass
- Evaluating Antarctic Sea Ice Variability and its Teleconnections in Global Climate Models - Antarctic sea ice edge; global climate models; teleconnection patterns; ENSO; Bellingshausen, Amundsen, Ross and Weddell Seas
- Indices of weather impact on the economy : user's adaptability.
- Physics of the upper atmosphere.
- Die internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883 : die österreichische polarstation Jan Mayen : Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse .II. Band. I. Abtheilung
- Quaternary Paleoclimate
- Troisème aéroport : avant d'agir, réfléchir