Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8812/10231
- Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and North Atlantic Jet: A Multimodel View from the Decadal Climate Prediction Project
- Méthodes de calcul numérique
- English History, diversity and change
- Zona intertropske konvergencije unutrasnji valovi
- Late holocene sea-level change and climate
- A Stratospheric 3-D Empirical Normal Mode Study of the UKMO Assimilated Analyses Dataset.
- Defining marine boundary layer clouds with a prognostic scheme
- A long pollen record from lowland Amazonia : forest and cooling in glacial times
- Quantitative study of the formation of inorganic chemical species following corona discharge-1. Production of HNO2 and HNO3 in a composition-controlled, humid atmosphere
- Climate variability hydrology and water ressources : do we communicate in the field ?[Hapex, Fife, Gewex, GCIP and what next ?].
- Pranostiky o pocasi jako borly chromych prognostiku
- Determination of solar irradiation for poland from AVHRR data
- Numerical simulation of the influence of the oceanic heating field upon subtropical circulation
- Experience of application of remote sensing to assessment of the state and productivity of vegitative cover
- Baroclinic instability and wave-wave interactions in quasi-geostrophic error growth
- Special Section: Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA/CARBON): ICC 11 Organic compounds in biomass smoke from residential wood combustion: Emissions characterization at a continental scale (DOI 10.1029/2001 JD000661)
- An operational, diagnostic surface energy budget model
- Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences
- L'état de la planète