Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8821/10231
- Circulation moyenne et champ moyen de température en altitude à Madagascar
- La science aérienne
- Prix Perrin de Brichambaut 2017 : La cité scolaire Paul-Valéry de Paris distinguée par le jury
- ERA-20CM: a twentieth-century atmospheric model ensemble
- Meteorology today for scientists and engineers
- D23213 - Extratropical waves transport boreal wildfire emissions and drive regional air quality dynamics (DOI 10.1029/2008JD010169)
- Optimisation of simplified GCMs using circulation indices and maximum entropy production
- Correction and downscaling of NWP wind speed forecasts
- Copper complexation in coastal rainwater, southeastern USA
- Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the eastern Asian continent to Kanazawa, Japan with Asian dust
- Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX) - PREFACE // Ramesh/Kakar
- Retrieval of Microscale Flow Structures from High-Resolution Doppler Lidar Data Using an Adjoint Model
- Fluorophores in the Arabian Sea and their relationship to hydrographic conditions
- Performance of Weather Forecast Models in the Rescue of Dr. Ronald Shemenski from the South Pole in April 2001
- Thermally forced stationary axisymmetric flow on the f plane in a nearly frictionless atmosphere
- Predictability in limited area and global models
- Intercomparison of ozone measurements over Antarctica
- Temperature and rainfall tables: January 2002.
- Canal de Nicaragua : notice sur la navigation transatlantique des paquebots interocéaniques ou recherches sur les routes de plus court trajet d'Europe à Saint Jean de Nicaragua et retour et sur le régime des courants, des vents et des tempêtes #
- Les observations météorologiques de Port-Martin en Terre-Adélie 66°49'04" S - 141°23'39" E - Altitude 14 m. Fascicule III, Conditions atmosphériques en altitude du 17 janvier 1951 au 21 janvier 1952 : relevés quotidiens