Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8836/10238
- A Call for New Approaches to Quantifying Biases in Observations of Sea Surface Temperature
- Code international de l'aviation : édition française d'après l'édition anglaise de 1933 complètement refondue et mise à jour suivie d'un chapitre sur la guerre aérienne
- Ozone stratosphérique, rayonnement ultraviolet et changement climatique
- Carbon emissions and acidification.
- D06105 - Australian winter anticyclonicity, 1850-2006 (DOI 10.1029/2007JD008873)
- Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle
- The De-Iceman Cometh - High-tech equipment at Toronto's Central De-icing Facility and stricter regulations are helping the airline industry avoid airframe icing disasters.
- Dynamics in tropical cyclone motion : a review
- Rayleigh-Taylor stability of a two-fluid system under a general rotation field
- A mechanism of scale selection in tropical circulation at observed intraseasonal frequencies
- A note on the generalized Fofonoff modes in a beta-plane channel and their stabilities
- SSM/I geophysical retrievals and their impact on numerical modeling
- Otsenka radiotsionnykh pritokov tepla v nochnom pogranichnom sloe atmosfery
- A study of vertical velocity distributions in the planetary boundary layer
- Influence of caucasus mountains on transformation of atmospheric fronts
- An Urban Surface Exchange Parameterisation for Mesoscale Models
- Gyrodynamics and its engineering applications.
- L'art de l'ingénieur de Perronet à Caquot : l'innovation scientifique liée à la pratique
- Météo : comprendre les secrets du temps