Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8853/10238
- Concours interne Ingénieur des travaux de la météorologie - Session 2017 - Instruments météorologiques
- Special issue on research on dynamical and statistical downscaling approaches around the Asia-Oceania region
- Mean annual variations of barometric pressure and rainfall in certain regions, being a study of the mean annual pressure variations for a large number of areas scattered over the Earth's surface in relation to the principal types of mean annual rainfall variations in those areas, made at the Solar Physics Observatory, South Kensington
- Aerosol & Clouds - D07206 - Aerosols at a mountaintop observatory in Arizona (DOI 10. 1029/2005JD006893)
- Observational Analysis of a Gust Front to Bore to Solitary Wave Transition within an Evolving Nocturnal Boundary Layer
- Special Section: CRISTA-2 Mission (CRISTA) - CRI 4 Water vapor at the tropopause during the CRISTA 2 mission (DOI 10. 1029/2001JD000700)
- Concerning haloes, rainbows and dewbows in divergent light
- Optical characteristics of red sprites produced by runaway air breakdown
- Origin of a Pentagonal convective cell and its transformation into a cloud row, a case study
- 3 Jahre langfristige Temperaturprognosen fuer Berlin. Verifikation der Vorhersagen
- Results of survey of society membership : demographics
- The distribution and transport of atmospheric water vapour over the arctic basin
- Numerical experiments of the orographic snowfall over the mountainous region of northern Japan
- Solar radiative transfer for wind-sheared cumulus cloud fields
- The bise-climatology of a regional wind north of the alps
- Caracteristici mezoscalare ale patrunderii unui front rece in disipare in depresiunea Transilvaniei
- Numerical modeling of thunderstorm
- Lessons Learned from the Damage Produced by the Tornadoes of 3 May 1999
- New empirical relationships for determining global PAR from measurements of global solar radiation, infrared radiation or sunshine duration
- Thermo-hygrographe petit modèle M05 2110