Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 8855/10226
- Concours interne Ingénieur des travaux de la météorologie - Session 2017 - Physique
- Étude des processus dynamiques et microphysiques dans les nuages convectifs peu profonds: synergie entre simulations numériques et observations par une flotte de drones.
- Le Climat. Sciences, diplomatie et solidarité
- Space weather, impacts and forecasting: an overview
- The Callendar Effect. The life and work of Guy Stewart Callendar (1898-1964). The scientist who established the carbon dioxide theory of climate change / par James Rodger Fleming
- C05015 - Intraseasonal variability near 10oN in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (DOI 10.1029/2005JC002989)
- Short Communication - TORRO thunderstorm report for the United Kingdom: June-September 2005
- Impact of a Two-Way Coupling between an Atmospheric and an Ocean-Ice Model over the Gulf of St. Lawrence
- NOWCAST - NEWS AND NOTES - Climate Report Lawsuit . NOAA Satellite Accident . Lightning and Low-Level Ozone . Formation of the Prairies . Bromine in Decline
- Verification of the improved predictive capability of a 1-D forced time-dependent cloud model with trucated hail spectrum
- Vertically stacked temperature disturbances near the equatorial stratopause as seen in cryogenic limb array etalon spectrometer data
- Modeling tropical pacific sea surface temperature with satellite-derived solar radiative forcing
- Structure of a frontal cyclone
- " Observations on Convective clouds over the tropical atlantic"
- Climatological variations in the northern hemisphere circumpolar vortex in January
- A comparison of different methods of estimating energy-limited evapotranspiration in the peace river region of British Columbia
- Laboratory and instructional systemsported to the IBM PC
- Intercomparisons of ECMWF ERA and TOGA data with observations for the 1993 great flood
- Nomenclature météorologique (langue française)