Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 892/10226
- Association régionale VI ( Europe), Groupe de travail des transmissions météorologiques. Rapport final de la quatrième session, Paris, 25 mai-6 juin 1959
- Optical porosimetry of weakly absorbing porous materials
- [Résumé climatique] - novembre 1995
- A 3D ensemble variational data assimilation scheme for the limited-area AROME model: Formulation and preliminary results
- Seminar 1983 Numerical methods for weather prediction Volume 2, 5 - 9 September
- Laboratory experiments on mountain induced rotors
- IN BOX - HEPEX - The Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment
- Assessment of winter fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in boreal forest soils of central Alaska estimated by the profile method and the chamber method: a diagnosis of methane emission and implications for the regional carbon budget
- Discounting and uncertainty: a non-economist's view
- Die Atmosphaerologie des Wilhelm August Lampadius [1772-1842]
- Alternative strategies for the use of satellite data analysis systems for hazard monitoring and disaster mitigation.
- Monitoring snow cover on the Tibetan plateau using passive microwave satellite data
- Enso-snow-monsoon associations and seasonal-interannual predictions
- Report by the rapporteur on radiosonde compatibility monitoring. Part A : WMO catalogue of radiosondes and upper-air wind systems in use by members [1993]. Part B : compatibility of radiosonde geopotential measurements 1990, 1991 and 1992
- Crossing of the equator by the deep western boundary current in the western atlantic ocean
- Aspects of urban hydrology and the challenges for african urban environments
- Possibility of simulating geophysical flow phenomena by laboratory
- EL NINO: Historical and paleoclimatic aspects of the southern oscillation
- Atelier de modélisation de l'atmosphère : "la mésoéchelle libre et les fronts"