Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9252/10238
- Géopolitique du climat. Les relations internationales dans un monde en surchauffe / par François Gemenne
- Anomalously warm months in 2018 in Poland in relation to airflow circulation patterns
- Micrometeorological observations of a soil surface during the partial phases of the total solar eclipse of march 07 1970
- Analysis and modeling of flooding in urban drainage systems
- Long time-scale potential predictability in an ensemble of coupled climate models
- A Microwave Passive Method for Investigating Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow over Two-Dimensional Obstacles: High Drag States and Mixing
- The Arctic ocean in the global climate system
- Simulation of daily variability of surface temperature and precipitation over Europe in the current and 2xCO2 climates using the UKMO climate model
- Ertel's potential vorticity theorem in physical oceanography
- Meteosat image handling system of deutscher wetter dienst.
- Shrubland encroachment in southern new Mexico, U.S.A. : an analysis of desertification processes in the american southwest
- The intercomparison of radiation codes used in climate models : longwave results
- The retrieval of effective particle radius and liquid water path of low-level marine clouds from NOAA AVHRR data
- On normal mode aided modelling : application to Asian monsoon
- Observatories and climatological research : proceedings of a conference held at St Mary's College, University of Durham, 5-7 September, 1991, in celebration of 150 years of meteorology in Durham
- Compléments au cours de probabilités (édition 1959). Processus ponctuels ; Processus de Markov ; Prévision selon N. Wiener
- Capteur d'humidité relative HMP35DE
- Psychromètre fronde