Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9280/10227
- Le jour le plus long.
- "Kangaroo", future fusée-sonde météorologique de l'US Navy
- Rayons cosmiques
- Impact of the radiation-transfer scheme RRTM in the ECMWF forecasting system.
- ATMOSPHERIC SECTION - Total Lightning Observations with the New and Improved Los Alamos Sferic Array (LASA)
- Influences of a Winter Wheat Belt on the Evolution of the Boundary Layer
- C11008 - Zonal circulation across 52oW in the North Atlantic (DOI 10.1029/2003JC002103)
- Changes in the Proportion of Precipitation Occurring as Snow in New England (1949-2000)
- Application of fossil cuticles in determining palaeoatmospheric CO2 concentration
- The influence of topography on space distribution of precipitation [by example of the Zeravshan valley]
- Lidar observations of turbulent vortex shedding by an isolated topographic feature
- Single doppler radar measurements of the convective planetary boundary layer
- Pinatubo and the pre-Pinatubo optical-depth spectra : Mauna Loa measurements, comparisons, inferred particle size distributions, radiative effects, and relationship to lidar data
- Testing and analysing of the seasonal flood/dry trend forecasting for the rainy seaon of the middle and lower Yangtze valley in recent 20 years
- New data sources
- Calculating the temperature of the sea surface from aircraft infrared measurement data
- Analyse cristallographique et isotopique des grêlons, Application à l'orage du 6 août 1978 dabs la région du Napf
- Effects of aerosols on the radiative properties of clouds
- Climat, mémoire du temps : les relations climat - espace - société : 17e Colloque international de climatologie (Association internationale de climatologie), 8-9-10 septembre 2004, Mémorial de Caen, France : actes du colloque