Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9538/10227
- Déformation du manteau neigeux en moyenne montagne, études sur le glissement
- Groundwater resources of Australia]. Reference maps
- Février 2017 : un vaste panache de poussières désertiques survole le sud de la France
- Variabilité pluviométrique en Afrique du Sud-Est : relation avec des mesures à la surface de l'océan indien
- Statistics of an Unstable Barotropic Jet from a Cumulant Expansion
- World weather on the Web.
- Special Section: Toward Reducing Cloud-Climate Feedback Uncertainties in Atmospheric General Circulation Models - D15S13 - Evaluation of regional cloud feedbacks using single-column models (DOI 10.1029/2004JD005011)
- Arctic Tropospheric Winds Derived from TOVS Satellite Retrievals
- Sensitivity analysis and determination of streambed leakance and aquifer hydraulic properties
- 5. An assessment of SeaWinds on QuikSCAT wind retrieval (DOI (DOI 10.1029/2002JC001330)
- Non-linear evolution of a barotropically unstable circumpolar vortex
- International conference on atmospheric electricity
- The tropopause cold trap in the australian monsoon during STEP/AMEX 1987
- Fifth international conference on indoor air quality and climate. Indoor air'90 : characterization of indoor air. Toronto, Canada, 29 July-3 August 1990
- Potential effects of halons on stratospheric O3 based on the Montreal protocol
- Climate and Dynamics (ACL) - ACL 30 - Impact of doubled CO2 on global-scale leaf area index and evapotranspiration: Conflicting stomatal conductance and LAI responses (DOI 10.1029/2001JOO 1245)
- The Climatology of Blocking Anticyclones for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Block Intensity as a Diagnostic
- Un metodo di rappresentazione grafica dei parametri meteorologici per le variazioni climatiche di una localita
- Monsoon dynamics