Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9559/10238
- Spatial and temporal variability of wet snow in the French mountains using a color-space based segmentation technique on Sentinel-1 SAR images
- Wind-shaped trees as indicators of micro or local climatic wind situation
- Estimating Low-Frequency Variability and Trends in Atmospheric temperature using ERA-Interim
- Predicting summer rainfall in the Yangtze River basin with neural networks
- Great Plains Hydroclimate Variability: The View from North American Regional Reanalysis
- Weather Talk: Words of Wisdom
- Seasonal and annual variations in soil respiration in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Japan
- Jovian Dynamics. Part III: Multiple, Migrating, and Equatorial Jets
- Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces : background, operational algorithm and validation
- Short-term climate variability and its stochastic modeling
- Preliminary results of acoustic echo sounding of the marine boundary layer during gate
- An 11-cm coherent polarimetric radar for meteorological research
- The WMO sponsored intercomparison of sea surface temperature data sets for long range forecasting - conclusions and recommendations
- Under a cloud
- Special Section: Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) - INX2 4 - Chemical characterization of submicron aerosol particles collected over the Indian Ocean (DOI 10.1029/2000JD000034)
- Le climat de Paris depuis 1806, par périodes variant de 12 à 17 ans, soit d'une durée moyenne de 14 ans environ.
- Forecasting weather. Second edition revised and enlarged
- Guide de l'astronome amateur [troisième édition]
- Météorologie générale. Fascicule 1. Présentation générale de l'atmosphère