Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 9761/10238
- Chasing after methane's ultra-emitters
- Rapport scientifique n°16 Simulations numériques de l'évolution de la couche superficielle de l'océan et confrontation avec des mesures in SITU
- Résumé du temps en France - Mars 1928
- Inventaires des émissions de polluants.
- The Annual Cycle, Intraseasonal Oscillations, and the Roadblock to Seasonal Predictability of the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Assessing the risk of airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease
- A comparison of the flood precipitation episode in August 2002 with historic extreme precipitation events on the Czech territory
- Micrometeorological characteristics and local triggering mechanism of the strong dust storm
- On the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of lower-troposphere ozone over Europe
- Characteristics of snow cover duration across the northeast United States of America
- Diagnosing a Colorado heavy snow event with a nonhydrostatic mesoscale numerical model structured for operational use
- Theoretical concentration of solar radiation by central receiver systems
- New applications of NOAA AVHRR data for environmental monitoring
- Operational overview of the NASA GTE/CITE 3 airborne instrument intercomparisons for sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide
- Some aspects of the climatology of Dumont d'Urville, Adelie land, Antarctica
- Cours de droit administratif "Le budget de l'Etat".
- Specimen physicae electico-experimentalis e compendio physico Joh. Henrici Sviceri aliisque probatis auctoribus...
- Pluviomètre à lecture directe SPIEA
- Emetteur Rawin 400 Mcs