Soil moisture retrievals from biangular L-Band passive microwave observations

Wigneron, Jean-Pierre ; Calvet, Jean-Christophe ; Rosnay, Patricia de ; Kerr, Yann ; Waldteufel, Philippe ; Saleh, Kauzar ; Escrihuela, Maria José ; Kruszewski, Alexandre

Année de publication

A simple approach for correcting the effect of vegetation in the estimation of soil moisture (w/sub S/) from L-band passive microwave observations is presented in this study. The approach is based on statistical relationships, calibrated from simulated datasets, which requires only two observations made at distinct incidence angles (/spl theta//sub 1/,/spl theta//sub 2/). A sensitivity study was carried out, and best retrieval remote sensing configurations, in terms of polarization and couple of incidence angles (/spl theta//sub 1/,/spl theta//sub 2/), were investigated. Best estimations of w/sub S/ could be made at H polarization, for /spl theta//sub 1/ varying between 15/spl deg/ and 30/spl deg/, and with a difference (/spl theta//sub 2/-/spl theta//sub 1/) larger than 30/spl deg/. The method was tested against two experimental datasets acquired over crop fields (soybean and wheat). The average accuracy in the soil moisture retrievals during the whole crop cycle was found to be about 0.05 m/sup 3//m/sup 3/ for both crops.

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