Climate policies as a hedge against the uncertainty on future oil supply. A letter.

Les politiques climatiques comme protection contre l'incertitude de l'offre pétrolière à venir.

Rozenberg, J. ; Hallegatte, S. ; Vogt-Schilb, A. ; Sassi, O. ; Guivarch, C. ; Waisman, H. ; Hourcade, J.-C.

Année de publication

Despite the inextricable link between oil scarcity and climate change, the interplay between these two issues is paradoxically an underworked area. This Climatic Change Letter uses a global energy-economy model to address the link between future oil supply and climate change and assesses in a common framework both the costs of climate policies and oil scarcity. It shows that, in the context of a limited and uncertain amount of ultimately recoverable oil resources, climate policies reduce the world vulnerability to peak oil. Climate policies, therefore, appear as a hedging strategy against the uncertainty on oil resources, in addition to their main aim of avoiding dangerous climate change. This co-benefit is estimated at the net present value of US$11,500 billion. Eventually, reducing the risk of future economic losses due to oil scarcity may appear as a significant side-benefit of climate policies to many decision-makers.

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