Coupling of the FLake model to the Surfex externalized surface model

Salgado, Rui ; Le Moigne, Patrick

Année de publication

The FLake model parameterizes the local-scale energy exchanges between lake surfaces and the atmosphere. FLake simulates the temperature profile as well as the budgets of heat and turbulent kinetic energy in water. Its implementation into the Surfex system, the externalized surface scheme devoted to research and operational forecasts, is presented here. The paper describes a validation of the coupled system Surfex-FLake based on measurements carried out on the Alqueva reservoir in southern Portugal. This paper shows how the use of FLake in the Surfex system improves surface temperature and turbulent fluxes at the wateratmosphere interface and explains the minor changes made in the computation of the shape function in order to adapt the FLake model to warm lakes, like the one used for this study.

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