Low-frequency climate variability in the Atlantic basin during the 20th century

Variabilité à basse fréquence du climat dans le bassin atlantique au cours du 20ème siècle

Tourre, Y. ; Paz, S. ; Kushnir, Y. ; White, W B.

Année de publication

From joint sea surface temperature/sea level pressure (SST/SLP) EOF analyses, lowfrequency variability modes are compared. The multi-decadal oscillation (MDO) changed phases twice during the 20th century, with its north Atlantic SST patterns resembling the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation (AMO). The quasi-decadal oscillation (QDO) SST patterns displayed a double tripole configuration over the entire Atlantic basin, leading to tropical inter-hemispheric out-of-phase relationship. From the mid-1960s onward, while SST anomalies were negative to the north (negative phases of MDO/AMO), the Sahelian drought persisted with a weaker hurricane power dissipation index (PDI). During that period, the QDO modulated the intensity of the Sahelian drought. Copyright  2010 Royal Meteorological Society

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