Evaluation of the observation operator Jacobian for Leaf Area Index data assimilation with an extended Kalman filter.

Rüdiger, C. ; Albergel, C. ; Mahfouf, J.-F. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; Walker, J. P.

Année de publication

To quantify carbon and water fluxes between the vegetation and the atmosphere in a consistent manner, land surface models now include interactive vegetation components. These models treat the vegetation biomass as a prognostic model state, allowing the model to dynamically adapt the vegetation states to environmental conditions. However, it is expected that the prediction skill of such models can be greatly increased by assimilating biophysical observations such as leaf area index (LAI). The Jacobian of the observation operator, a central aspect of data assimilation methods such as the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the variational assimilation methods, provides the required linear relationship between the observation and the model states. In this paper, the Jacobian required for assimilating LAI into the Interaction between the Soil, Biosphere and Atmosphere-A-gs land surface model using the EKF is studied. In particular, sensitivity experiments were undertaken on the size of the initial perturbation for estimating the Jacobian and on the length of the time window between initial state and available observation. It was found that small perturbations (0.1% of the state) typically lead to accurate estimates of the Jacobian. While other studies have shown that the assimilation of LAI with 10 day assimilation windows is possible, 1 day assimilation intervals can be chosen to comply with numerical weather prediction requirements. Moreover, the seasonal dependence of the Jacobian revealed contrasted groups of Jacobian values due to environmental factors. Further analyses showed the Jacobian values to vary as a function of the LAI itself, which has important implications for its assimilation in different seasons, as the size of the LAI increments will subsequently vary due to the variability of the Jacobian.

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