Weather radar and hydrology Preface
Delrieu, G. ; Braud, I. ; Berne, A. ; Borga, M. ; Boudevillain, B. ; Fabry, F. ; Freer, J. ; Gaume, E. ; Nakakita, E. ; Seed, A. ; Tabary, P. ; Uijlenhoet, R.
The growing concerns about environmental and climate change issues has modified the requirements for hydrological observation and modelling. The societal demand for hydrological prediction is moving towards an integrated prediction of the water balance components and fluxes (including hydrological links to water quality and sustainable ecological habitats) at every point within a region and the consideration of land-use and human-induced landscape modifications. The development of distributed hydrological models, the representation of land-surface heterogeneities and the characterization of distributed inputs, including rainfall, are therefore particularly important. As a preface to the special issue journal initiated in parallel with the 2008 international symposium 'Weather Radar and Hydrology', this article reviews the most promising rainfall measurement techniques based on radar technology and discuss some of the challenges in distributed hydrological modelling. Performing radar-raingauge rainfall re-analyses and developing hydrometeorologic observatories are the two recommendations made herein to foster the synergy between radar physicists and hydrologists.
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