The AROME-France convective scale operational model

Le modèle opérationnel à l'échelle convective AROME-France

Seity, Y. ; Brousseau, P. ; Malardel, S. ; Hello, G. ; Bénard, P. ; Bouttier, F. ; Lac, C. ; Masson, V.

Année de publication

After six years of scientific, technical developments and meteorological validation, the Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME-France) convective-scale model became operational at Météo-France at the end of 2008. This paper presents the main characteristics of this new numerical weather prediction system: the nonhydrostatic dynamical model core, detailed moist physics, and the associated three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-Var) scheme. Dynamics options settings and variables are explained. The physical parameterizations are depicted as well as their mutual interactions. The scale-specific features of the 3D-Var scheme are shown. The performance of the forecast model is evaluated using objective scores and case studies that highlight its benefits and weaknesses.

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