Second order accuracy of two-time level semi-Lagrangian schemes

Gospodinov, I.-G. ; Spiridonov, V.-G. ; J.F. Geleyn, J.-F.

Année de publication

The accuracy of the two-time-level semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit time <br>integration scheme is analysed. Two relatively independent problems are <br>identifiedthe discretization of the implicit trajectory equation and <br>the treatment of the nonlinear residual. Two theorems giving conditions <br>for second-order accuracy of the two-time-level semi-Lagrangian <br>semi-implicit scheme are stated. As a result, a new scheme for the <br>trajectory equation is proposed and a class of schemes for the nonlinear<br> residual, which are second-order accurate in time, are introduced. A <br>simplified one-dimensional shallow water' model is developed in order <br>to test the proposed scheme in comparison with other, previously known, <br>ones. Some experiments proving stability, accuracy and conservation <br>ability are presented.</div>

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