SPLIDHOM : a method for homogenization of daily temperature observations
Mestre, O. ; Gruber, C. ; Prieur, C. ; Caussinus, H. ; Jourdain, S.
One major concern of climate change is the possible rise of temperature extreme events, in terms of occurrence and intensity. To study this phenomenon, reliable daily series are required, for instance to compute daily-based indices : high-order quantiles, annual extrema, number of days exceeding thresholds, and so on. Because observed series are likely to be affected by changes in the measurement conditions, adapted homogenization procedures are required. Although a very large number of procedures have been proposed for adjustment of observed series at a monthly time scale, few have been proposed for adjustment of daily temperature series. This article proposes a new adjustment method for temperature series at a daily time scale. This method, called spline daily homogenization (SPLIDHOM), relies on an indirect nonlinear regression method. Estimation of the regression functions is performed by cubic smoothing splines. This method is able to adjust the mean of the series as well as high-order quantiles and moments of the series. When using well-correlated series, SPLIDHOM improves the results of two widely used methods, as a result of an optimal selection of the smoothing parameter. Applications to the Toulouse, France, temperature series are shown as a real example.
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