Tropical cyclones in 2011

Strachan, Jane

Année de publication

Making landfall in New York City, ex-hurricane Katia affecting the United Kingdom and typhoons threatening already disaster-ridden Japan were amongst the tales of the year's tropical cyclones. This article looks at what the forecasts predicted for the northern hemisphere's tropical cyclone basins and whether the seasons turned out as expected, including a summary of the evolution of the main storms of the year. In particular, it follows Hurricane Irene's passage up the east coast of America and Typhoon Roke's landfall in Japan, whilst the Gulf of Mexico's Tropical Storm Lee will be used as an example to show how relatively weak storms can still lead to huge destruction. Finally, we will look at how Hurricane Katia, through its transition across the north Atlantic as an extratropical storm, was able to cause damage on both sides of the Ocean.

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