Use of a Sodar to Improve the Forecast of Fogs and Low Clouds on Airports
Dabas, Alain ; Rémy, Samuel ; Bergot, Thierry
A sodar was deployed at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport near Paris, France, in 2008 with the aim of improving the forecast of low visibility conditions there. During the winter of 2008-2009, an experiment was conducted that showed that the sodar can effectively detect and locate the top of fog layers which is signaled by a strong peak of acoustic reflectivity. The peak is generated by turbulence activity in the inversion layer that contrasts sharply with the low reflectivity recorded in the fog layer below. A specific version of the 1D-forecast model deployed at Roissy for low visibility conditions (COBEL-ISBA) was developed in which fogs' thicknesses are initialized by the sodar measurements rather than the information derived from the down-welling IR fluxes observed on the site. It was tested on data archived during the winters of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 and compared to the version of the model presently operational. The results show a significant improvement-dissipation times of fogs are better predicted.
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