The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) at ECMWF: towards operational implementation
Pappenberger, Florian ; Thielen, Jutta ; Roo, Ad de ; Buizza, Roberto ; Krzeminski, Blazej ; Hofstadler, Alfred ; Wetterhall, Fredrik ; Salamon, Peter ; Brady, Andy
Together with national and regional hydro-meteorological services and small-to-medium sized enterprises, ECMWF is currently establishing the operational services for the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). ECMWF will be hosting the Computational Centre for EFAS which is envisaged to be fully operational in the second half of 2012. This follows many years of research and development on ensemble-based, probabilistic hydrological prediction, during which ECMWF has been increasingly interacting with national and international institutes that are developing hydrological prediction systems. The close collaboration with the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre, that developed EFAS over the past decade has been particularly fruitful. This article describes how EFAS started in 2002 as well as the stakeholders and partners. The set-up of the operational phase of EFAS is described along with ECMWF's role. It is demonstrated that the EFAS system is skilful and the advantages for the Member States of ECMWF are highlighted.
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