The Role of the Pacific ENSO Applications Climate Center in Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Hazards: Experience from the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands

Schroeder, Thomas A. ; Chowdhury, Md Rashed ; Lander, Mark A. ; Guard, Charles Chip ; Felkley, Charlene ; Gifford, Duncan

Année de publication

The Pacific ENSO Applications Center (PEAC) was established in August 1994 as a multi-institutional partnership to conduct research and produce information products on climate variability and impacts related to the El NiñoSouthern Oscillation climate cycle for the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI). The name of the center was changed to Pacific ENSO Applications Climate (PEAC) Center in 2007. Over the years, the PEAC Center effectively provided advanced warning as part of the hazard management program for the small island countries in the USAPI region. The primary focus of this paper is to synthesize the overall hazard management activities of the PEAC Center by visiting various aspects of the historical and current operational framework, including i) forecasting, ii) interpretation and message formulation, iii) warning preparation and dissemination, iv) responses and feedback, and v) review and analysis. The forecast, warning, and response experience of PEAC can help small island countries in the Pacific develop adaptation strategies for longer time-scale climate variability and change.

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