ERA-Interim/Land: A global land-surface reanalysis based on ERA-Interim meteorological forcing

Balsamo, Gianpaolo ; Albergel, Clement ; Beljaars, Anton ; Boussetta, Souhail ; Brun, Eric ; Cloke, Hannah ; Dee, Dick ; Dutra, Emanuel ; Pappenberger, Florian ; Rosnay, Patricia de ; Muñoz-Sabater, Joaquín ; Stockdale, Tim ; Vitart, Frederic

Année de publication

This report describes ERA-Interim/Land, a global land-surface data set covering the period 1979-2010. ERA-Interim/Land is the result of a land-surface model simulation using HTESSEL, with meteorological forcing from ERA-Interim and precipitation adjustments based on GPCP v2.1. ERA-Interim/Land preserves closure of the water balance and is therefore more suitable for climate applications than the land surface parameters included in the original ERA-Interim data set. We compare with ground-based and remote sensing observations to assess the quality of ERA-Interim/Land, in particular for estimates of soil moisture, snow depth, surface albedo, turbulent latent and sensible fluxes, and river discharges. Impacts of using the new land-surface initial condition in forecasts have been verified in deterministic and probabilistic configurations (up to monthly and seasonal ranges) of the Integrated Forecasting System at ECMWF.

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