MED12, oceanic component for the modeling of the regional Mediterranean earth system
Beuvier, Jonathan ; Lebeaupin Brossier, Cindy ; Béranger, K. ; Arsouze, T. ; Bourdallé-Badie, R. ; Deltel, C. ; Drillet, Y. ; Drobinski, P. ; Ferry, N. ; Lyard, F. ; Sevault, Florence ; Somot, Samuel
Année de publication
The MED12 model has been developed in the context of the SiMED and MORCE projects, in collaboration with Mercator Ocean teams and na-tional laboratories. Several ongoing projects aim at coupling MED12 with atmospheric models and biogeochemical models. In the following, we present first results obtained with a free ocean simulation and with an ocean-atmosphere coupled simulation.
Texte intégral
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