Vliv klimatické zmeny na populace rostlin a zivocichu v luním lese v období let 1951-2000 a poznámky k rokum 2001-2010
Bauer, Zdenek ; Lipina, Pavel
Impact of climate change on plant and animal populations in floodforest in the period of 1951-2000 and comments to the period of 2001-2010
This study analyses the phenological observations of herbs and birds in the floodplain forests in alongside of Morava river, Czech Republic, in the forest groups Ulmi-Fraxineta carpini and Aceri-fageta fraxini in the period from 1951 to 2000. Theese groups are filed in the system of natural geobiocenoses in the Atlas of Czech Socialist Republic, Prague 1966, map no. 21.
Over the time span of fifty years, the average spring temperature increased by 1.1 °C and the average annual temperature of air in this area increased by 0.8 °C. In the period of fifty years (1951-2000), the phenological event of the first flowering of Yellow Anemonoides has shifted by 8.7 days and the full flowering by 6.2 days to the earlier time, the phenology of the first flowering of Herb Paris has shifted by 6.6 days and the full flowering of the same by 7.5 days to the earlier time, the phenology of the first flowering of Ramson has shifted by 9.8 days and the full flowering of the same by 10.2 days to the earlier time.<br>Similarly, the selected bird categories reacted to the climate change correspondingly to herbs. During the past fifty years in the researched type of flood plain forest, the date of the first egg in population of Nuthatch has shifted by 8.8 days to the earlier time and the date of average first eggs of all investigated nesting pairs of its population has shifted by 8.4 days to the earlier time. The date of the first egg in population of Blue Tit has shifted by 8.7 days and the date of average first eggs of all studied pairs of its population by 7.5 days. In the case of Great Tit, the date of the first egg has shifted by 9.0 days and the date of average first eggs by 8.6 days. The date of the first egg of Collared Flycatcher has shifted by 11.5 days and the date of average first eggs of its nesting pairs has shifted by 11.6 days.<br>The phenological phases of the first flowering of the researched herbs and the first laid eggs of the researched birds have been shifting to later dates in accordance with the increasing altitude up the river while the sums of effective temperatures that are characteristic for the individual species of herbs and birds remain unchanged.
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