Convection and waves on small planets and the real Earth
Bechtold, Peter ; Semane, Noureddine ; Malardel, Sylvie
The small-scale prototype approach is extensively used in the engineering community where, for example, the aerodynamic properties of a small-scale object are experimentally determined in a wind tunnel, and the performance data can then be up-scaled to the true sized object via a numerical model that is written in non-dimensional form. Our goal is to develop a scaled version of the IFS with full physics that not only allows the model to be applied to planets of different size and gravity, but also faithfully reproduces the general circulation of the Earth. The final goal will be to have a system that permits deep convective motions while maintaining a realistic large-scale circulation. Such a system, which necessarily involves some approximations, has been pioneered by Kuang et al. (2005), Pauluis et al. (2006) and Garner et al. (2007), but has never been developed for a complex numerical weather prediction system. In the following we present step by step, with increasing complexity, the various reduced planet configurations that have been used, and illustrate what each configuration can and cannot do.
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