New microwave and infrared data from the S-NPP satellite

Bormann, Niels ; McNally, Tony

Année de publication

With the launch of the Suomi National Polar Partnership (S-NPP) satellite in October 2011 the USA made its first step into a new era of operational meteorological polar-orbiting satellites. The satellite carries a suite of new instruments, including a microwave radiometer, a hyperspectral infrared interferometer, and an ozone instrument; together these instruments are primarily aimed at providing temperature, humidity and ozone soundings. S-NNP is the successor of the extremely successful NOAA-series of satellites whose ATOVS data has been providing essential input to operational NWP systems for many years. Calibration and validation of the radiance data from S-NPP in the ECMWF system shows that the data is generally of good quality, and assimilation of the data leads to some improvements in forecast skill.

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