The Effect of Imposed Drying on Parameterized Deep Convection

Sobel, Adam H. ; Bellon, Gilles

Année de publication

This paper examines the influence of imposed drying, intended to represent horizontal advection of dry air, on parameterized deep convection interacting with large-scale dynamics in a single-column model framework. Two single-column models, one based on the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System general circulation model version 5 (GEOS5) and the other developed by Bony and Emanuel, are run in weak temperature gradient mode. Drying is imposed by relaxation of the specific humidity field toward zero within a specified vertical layer. The strength of the drying is controlled by specifying either the relaxation time scale or the vertically integrated drying tendency; results are insensitive to which specification is used.
The two models reach very different solutions for the same boundary conditions and model configuration. Even when adjustments to the boundary conditions and model parameters are made to render the precipitation rates similar, large differences in the profiles of relative humidity and large-scale vertical velocity persist. In both models, however, drying in the middle troposphere is more effective, per kg m?2 s?1 (or W m?2) of imposed drying, in suppressing precipitation than is drying in the lower troposphere. Even when compared at equal relaxation time (corresponding to weaker net drying in the middle than lower troposphere), middle-tropospheric drying is comparably effective to lower-tropospheric drying. Upper-tropospheric drying has a relatively small effect on precipitation, although large drying in the upper troposphere cannot be imposed as a steady state because of the lack of moisture there. Consistent with the other model differences, the gross moist stabilities of the two models are quite different and vary somewhat differently as a function of imposed drying, but in both models the gross moist stability increases as the drying is increased when it is less than around 30 W m?2 and located in the middle troposphere. For lower-tropospheric drying, the gross moist stability either decreases with increased drying or increases more slowly than for middle-tropospheric drying.

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