Maïdo observatory: a new high-altitude station facility at Reunion Island (21° S, 55° E) for long-term atmospheric remote sensing and in situ measurements

Baray, Jean-Luc ; Courcoux, Y. ; Keckhut, P. ; Portafaix, Thierry ; Tulet, Pierre ; Cammas, Jean-Pierre ; Hauchecorne, A. ; Godin Beekmann, S. ; De Mazière, M. ; Hermans, C. ; Desmet, F. ; Sellegri, K. ; Colomb, A. ; Ramonet, M. ; Sciare, J. ; Vuillemin, C. ; Hoareau, C. ; Dionisi, D. ; Duflot, Valentin ; Vérèmes, Hélène ; Porteneuve, J. ; Gabarrot, F. ; Gaudo, T. ; Metzger, J.-M. ; Payen, G. ; Leclair de Bellevue, Jimmy ; Barthe, Christelle ; Posny, Françoise ; Ricaud, Philippe ; Abchiche, A. ; Delmas, Robert

Année de publication

Since the nineties, atmospheric measurement systems have been deployed at Reunion Island, mainly for monitoring the atmospheric composition in the framework of NDSC/NDACC (Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change/Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change). The location of Reunion Island presents a great interest because there are very few multi-instrumented stations in the tropics and particularly in the southern hemisphere. In 2012, a new observatory was commissioned in Maïdo at 2200 m above sea level: it hosts various instruments for atmospheric measurements, including lidar systems, spectro-radiometers and in situ gas and aerosol measurements. This new high-altitude Maïdo station provides an opportunity: 1. to improve the performance of the optical instruments above the marine boundary layer, and to open new perspectives on upper troposphere and lower stratosphere studies; 2. to develop in situ measurements of the atmospheric composition for climate change surveys, in a reference site in the tropical/subtropical region of the southern hemisphere; 3. to offer trans-national access to host experiments or measurement campaigns for focused process studies.

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