Parametrization of clouds and precipitation across model résolutions. Workshop proceedings, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting, Reading, UK, 5-8 November 2012.
A workshop on the “Parametrization of clouds and precipitation across model resolutions” was held at ECMWF between 5 and 8 November 2012. The ECMWF strategy for the development of physical parametrizations over the next decade places particular emphasis on moist physics and it was timely for a workshop to discuss the latest advances in research and development on this topic. There are still many questions of how best to parametrize microphysical processes and represent the hydrological, radiative and dynamical impacts of cloud and precipitation across an increasing range of model resolutions, from the global to the convective scale. The workshop brought together more than 40 international scientists to discuss progress, exchange ideas and provide recommendations for the direction of future cloud parametrization development at ECMWF and in the wider research community. The workshop focussed on three themes; (i) the appropriate level of complexity and numerical formulation of cloud and precipitation microphysics parametrizations, (ii) how to represent the impacts of sub-grid heterogeneity efficiently and consistently across a range of model resolutions, (iii) how to get the most benefit from observations with an emphasis on evaluating and constraining cloud and precipitation processes. Two days of presentations were followed by a day of working group discussions on the three workshop themes.
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