Twenty-five years of IFS/ARPEGE

Pailleux, Jean ; Geleyn, Jean-François ; El Khatib, Ryad ; Fischer, Claude ; Hamrud, Mats ; Thépaut, Jean-Noël ; Rabier, Florence ; Andersson, Erik ; Salmond, Deborah ; Burridge, David ; Simmons, Adrian ; Courtier, Philippe

Année de publication

The coding of the first version of the IFS/ARPEGE model was initiated by Philippe Courtier and Mats Hamrud at ECMWF in 1987 as a project involving ECMWF and Météo-France – IFS: Integrated Forecasting System and ARPEGE: Action de Recherche Petites Echelles Grandes Echelles. Many scientific projects, sub-projects, and operational and research options have been built around this initial code since then, both on data assimilation and forecasting aspects. Here, we first describe the rationale for the project, which was originally based mainly on the limitations of the optimum interpolation (OI) assimilation systems that were widely used at the time. We then describe the operational implementation of IFS/ARPEGE before going into more detail on the developments concerning variational assimilation and the spectral model. This is followed by a discussion of various scientific projects associated with IFS/ARPEGE. Finally we describe the recent evolution of IFS/ARPEGE and future developments, and look back at what has been achieved over more than 25 years of cooperation.

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