Report into a trial of incorporating the output from the convection diagnosis project lifecycle model into the unified model output for use in nimrod

Standing R.J.

Année de publication

The Nimrod nowcasting scheme uses UM output to produce short range rainfall forecasts. This report describes an attempt to improve the UM input to Nimrod (and hence the Nimrod output) by replacing UM convective precipitation with that from the Convection Diagnosis Project CDP). A trial of the use of CDP output was run from August to December 1999. An explanation is given of the method of using the CDP output in the UM fields and of the statistical techniques used in evaluation. A review of the statistical output is given, with an explanation of why the results obtained for the UM during this trial are not the same as those obtained for the UM from the routine CDP verification. An illustrative case from December 1999 is presented. The report discusses improvements that could be made to the scheme and reviews further outstanding issues.

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