Report on further European radar data for use in Nimrod


Met Office
Année de publication

The Met Office has recently begun to make operational use of European radar data from France and Belgium in the Nimrod system. This data is then used in NWP assimilation as input into the mesoscale model. The quality of data from 6 French radars and one Belgian radar has been examined in a previous report. Data from an additional 6 French radars have been tested for quality over the past 5 months by comparison with a limited amount of raingauge data available from SYNOP reports. The radar data is shown to be of significantly better quality than the data currently used in the Nimrod rainfall analysis field over the continent (where satellite correlation is used to determine a rainrate field). It is hoped that the improved accuracy in radar rainrates over Europe will be beneficial in providing earlier warnings for weather systems approaching the UK from the south and improved mesoscale model rainrate estimation.

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