Cloud height determination using GOES Water vapour and infrared window channel imagery

Ringer, M. A.

Année de publication

A method for determining the height of semi-​transparent cirrus cloud using radiance measurements in the infrared window and water vapour spectral regions is applied to the relevant channels of the GOES imaging radiometer. In addition to the satellite observations, the method also involves forward modelling the IR and WV radiances for opaque cloudy and clear scenes. This is achieved using atmospheric profiles from the ARPEGE and ECMWF forecast models together with a version of RTTOV adapted to the GOES channels. This report discusses the quality of the simulated radiances, particularly those for clear sky conditions and presents some examples of the application of the height determination method. Comparisons are made between this technique and another, based on the brightness temperature diffference between the IR split-window channels of the GOES instrument.

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