A series of impact tests on new satellite wind types


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A series of impact tests on satellite winds has been conducted. The trials were setup using the suite control system and used the analysis correction method of assimilation. Three trials were run to test the impact of using satellite wind types that were not assimilated into the UKMO global NWP model (the Unified Model, UM). The first tested the use of Meteosat-5 satellite winds. Meteosat-5 was moved to cover the Indian Ocean region in 1998 as part of the INDOEX mission and thus fulfils a useful role in a relatively data-sparse region. For this trial, NWP index decreased by 0.3% yet the same forecast fields verified against observations yielded an index increase of 0.4%. On the basis of the observation index increase and the fact that these winds are providing data in areas where currently there are very few, the operational assimilation of Meteosat-5 winds was initiated in February 1999. The second test looked at the impact of assimilating water vapor winds derived from the Japanese satellite GMS. These winds increased both the NWP index and the observation index by 0.2%. They ...

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