Options for obtaining vegetation information operationally from satellite observations

Pullen, S.

The Met.Office
Année de publication

Following a request from Forecasting Products (FP) for the Satellite Imagery Applications Group (SIAG) to research the options for obtaining certain vegetation products operationally from satellite data, this report presents the results of the investigation. It sets out the requirements of FP, explores the satellite data and vegetation products available for use of adaptation and suggests possible methods of creating products within the Met. Office. The products required are global Leaf Area Index (LAI) with 1 km resolution, updated weekly and monthly updated global fractional cover, at 1 km resolution. Products conforming to these specifications of coverage and resolution are not yet available. However, a number of new products are planned within the geophysical community to make use of new satellite instruments and these may be available in sufficient time to be of use to FP. In addition, several of the methods planned for retrieval of these new vegetation products could be adapted to allow internal development of the required products. With ...

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