Assimilation of Directly Measured Stratospheric Winds into the Unified Model

Boorman P.M. ; Swinbank [R.] ; Ortland [David A.]

The Met.Office
Année de publication

This paper describes experiments in which measurements of stratospheric winds made by the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) were assimilated into the Met Office Unified Model. HRDI is one of the instruments carried on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The Met Office stratospheric data assimilation system was adapted to assimilate HRDI observations in addition to the operational meteorological data. Assimilation experiments have been run for three different periods. It is shown that the impact of the HRDI observations is most significant in the tropics, although not confined to that region. From statistical verification of forecast experiments, it is demonstrated that the HRDI data is having a beneficial, albeit small, effect on the analyses.

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