Validation of the Mesoscale Model during periods of observed low cloud using data from the Cardington balloon facility

Bush, Mike

The Met.Office
Année de publication

The Met Office has a Meteorological Research Unit (MRU) at Cardington, Bedfordshire, where research is undertaken into turbulent flow using specially developed turbulence probes held aloft at various heights under a tethered balloon. In addition there is a comprehensive suite of surface instruments and a radiosonde facility (either launched on site or in the region). With these data it is possible to make a direct validation of Mesoscale Model forecasts at high temporal resolution. This report discusses the results of a case study based validation of the Mesoscale Model during periods of observed low cloud using data from Cardington. It aims to address the following three questions: (1) Can we gain a better understanding of model systematic cloud errors by using the Cardington balloon facility? (2) Can we improve the cloud forecast? (E.g., by increasing model vertical resolution). (3) What recommendations can be provided for further work? The...

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