The diurnal cycle of marine cloud feedback in climate models

Webb, Mark J. ; Lock, Adrian P. ; Bodas-Salcedo, Alejandro ; Bony, Sandrine ; Cole, Jason N. S. ; Koshiro, Tsuyoshi ; Kawai, Hideaki ; Lacagnina, Carlo ; Selten, Frank M. ; Roehrig, Romain ; Stevens, Bjorn

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We examine the diurnal cycle of marine cloud feedback using high frequency outputs in CFMIP-2 idealised uniform +4 K SST perturbation experiments from seven CMIP5 models. Most of the inter-model spread in the diurnal mean marine shortwave cloud feedback can be explained by low cloud responses, although these do not explain the model responses at the neutral/weakly negative end of the feedback range, where changes in mid and high level cloud properties are more important. All of the models show reductions in marine low cloud fraction in the warmer climate, and these are in almost all cases largest in the mornings when more cloud is present in the control simulations. This results in shortwave cloud feedbacks being slightly stronger and having the largest inter-model spread at this time of day. The diurnal amplitudes of the responses of marine cloud properties to the warming climate are however small compared to the inter-model differences in their diurnally meaned responses. This indicates that the diurnal cycle of cloud feedback is not strongly relevant to understanding inter-model spread in overall cloud feedback and climate sensitivity. A number of unusual behaviours in individual models are highlighted for future investigation.

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