The Earth System Prediction Suite: Toward a Coordinated U.S. Modeling Capability

Theurich, Gerhard ; DeLuca, C. ; Campbell, T. ; Liu, F. ; Saint, K. ; Vertenstein, M. ; Chen, J. ; Oehmke, R. ; Doyle, J. ; Whitcomb, T. ; Wallcraft, A. ; Iredell, M. ; Black, T. ; Da Silva, A. M. ; Clune, T. ; Ferraro, R. ; Li, P. ; Kelley, M. ; Aleinov, I. ; Balaji, V. ; Zadeh, N. ; Jacob, R. ; Kirtman, B. ; Giraldo, F. ; McCarren, D. ; Sandgathe, S. ; Peckham, S. ; Dunlap, R.

Année de publication

The Earth System Prediction Suite (ESPS) is a collection of flagship U.S. weather and climate models and model components that are being instrumented to conform to interoperability conventions, documented to follow metadata standards, and made available either under open-source terms or to credentialed users.
The ESPS represents a culmination of efforts to create a common Earth system model architecture, and the advent of increasingly coordinated model development activities in the United States. ESPS component interfaces are based on the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), community-developed software for building and coupling models, and the National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC) Layer, a set of ESMF-based component templates and interoperability conventions. This shared infrastructure simplifies the process of model coupling by guaranteeing that components conform to a set of technical and semantic behaviors. The ESPS encourages distributed, multiagency development of coupled modeling systems; controlled experimentation and testing; and exploration of novel model configurations, such as those motivated by research involving managed and interactive ensembles. ESPS codes include the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), and the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS); the NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) and the Modular Ocean Model (MOM); the Community Earth System Model (CESM); and the NASA ModelE climate model and the Goddard Earth Observing System Model, version 5 (GEOS-5), atmospheric general circulation model.

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