Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability

Park, Young-Seuk ; Baehr, Christophe ; Larocque, Guy R. ; Sánchez-Pérez, José M. ; Sauvage, Sabine

Année de publication

The 19th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) took place in Toulouse, France, on October 28-31, 2013. We hosted more than 250 participants with 8 distinguished keynote speakers and more than 180 presentations. At the end of the conference, 5 best papers presented at the conference were awarded. In the keynote lectures, Philippe Ciais (French Atomic Energy Commission, France) shared this idea on recent trends in CO2 emissions and sinks, Brian D. Fath (Towson University, USA) presented conceptual models of ecological dynamics on indicators of regime change, Pierre Legendre (Université de Montréal, Canada) introduced new developments in spatial eigen function analysis, William J. Mitsch (Florida Gulf Coast University, USA) showed a global perspective on carbon, wetlands, and climate change, Tarzan Legovic (Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia) talked about principles concerning maximum sustainable yield in ecosystems, Sven E. Jørgensen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) introduced the development of a carbon cycling model for the Danish island of Samsø based on renewable energy, Michel Loreau (CNRS, France) introduced recent studies on disentangling and predicting the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem stability, and Harald Sverdrup (University of Iceland, Iceland) showed an approach for Sweden and France for setting critical loads based on biodiversity in a time when management, pollution and climate change.
The conference focused on the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability with seven sessions (Modelling in the context of global change, From individuals to ecosystems, Ecosystem functioning, New tools and technical challenges for modelling in ecology, Biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology, Matrix Population Models, and Behavior Monitoring in Ecological Modeling). Ecological Modelling is crucial to support the sustainable development paradigm, in which economy, society and environment are integrated and positively reinforcing each other. We believe that this conference provided a forum to present current research using ecological models for fundamental ecological knowledge as well as sustainable ecosystem management and services.<br>We have to mention that this special issue of Ecological Modelling does not aim at presenting the best papers presented in the conference. There were many interesting papers which had been presented in the conference, but were not included in this volume. We expect to meet them elsewhere. The papers have been selected based on the recommendation from reviewers. Fig. 1 shows the relative frequency of keywords in the papers included in this special issue. Many papers used the terms model, modelling or analysis to indicate their approaches. Meanwhile, climate change and its related words such as carbon and temperature showed the highest frequency, and network analysis showed also high numbers. Some other keywords such as population, dynamics, water, environmental and ecology are put in evidence linked to the topics of the journal.

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