The Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)

Jensen, M. P. ; Petersen, W. A. ; Bansemer, A. ; Bharadwaj, N. ; Carey, L. D. ; Cecil, D. J. ; Collis, S. M. ; Del Genio, A. D. ; Dolan, B. ; Gerlach, J. ; Giangrande, S. E. ; Heymsfield, A. ; Heymsfield, G. ; Kollias, P. ; Lang, T. J. ; Nesbitt, S. W. ; Neumann, A. ; Poellot, M. ; Rutledge, S. A. ; Schwaller, M. ; Tokay, A. ; Williams, C. R. ; Wolff, D. B. ; Xie, S. ; Zipser, E. J.

Année de publication

The Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E), a field program jointly led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, was conducted in south-central Oklahoma during April–May 2011. MC3E science objectives were motivated by the need to improve our understanding of midlatitude continental convective cloud system life cycles, microphysics, and GPM precipitation retrieval algorithms. To achieve these objectives, a multiscale surface- and aircraft-based in situ and remote sensing observing strategy was employed. A variety of cloud and precipitation events were sampled during MC3E, of which results from three deep convective events are highlighted. Vertical structure, air motions, precipitation drop size distributions, and ice properties were retrieved from multiwavelength radar, profiler, and aircraft observations for a mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 11 May. Aircraft observations for another MCS observed on 20 May were used to test agreement between observed radar reflectivities and those calculated with forward-modeled reflectivity and microwave brightness temperatures using in situ particle size distributions and ice water content. Multiplatform observations of a supercell that occurred on 23 May allowed for an integrated analysis of kinematic and microphysical interactions. A core updraft of 25 m s−1 supported growth of hail and large raindrops. Data collected during the MC3E campaign are being used in a number of current and ongoing research projects and are available through the ARM and NASA data archives.

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